Allen was the drummer of MYSTIC-FORCE (power/prog metal) from 2012, up until the passing of founding member/bassist, Keith Menser in 2022. 

He is an independent touring/session drummer with vocal abilities available to fill-in for short-notice emergency situations, studio sessions, one-off shows, tours, as well as, long-term permanent band opportunities on a case-by-case basis.

Here's some of the CD, Concert DVD, Vinyl & Concert VHS Releases I've had the privilege to play/sing on…


Here's some of the albums, EPs, and singles I've played selections from while supporting original artists in live performance on an International or North American tour, festival, one-off show, or fill-in. Some live shows included songs that ended up on future albums/or singles. I've performed in Canada, Argentina, Germany, Greece, and various tour dates across the United States.